Monday, January 21, 2008

TI Courts Date Postponed

As you all know TI pled not guilty to fedaral weopons charges in October, now he will have to wait a few more weeks for the U.S. Magistrate to decide whether evidence in the weopons case was aquired illegally. Attorneys for TI say there was no warrant to search or no probable cause, therefore all statements and fruit thereof should be suppressed. The governments case could be in serious jeopardy if TI's defense can successfully argue the motion to supress. The new date is set for February 19, 2008. TI is still under house arrest on a $3millon bond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The judge is just trying to make him sit in that house as long as he can because he knows they can't convict.

T.I. and Tiny at Hip Hop Summit Inaugural Ball

T.I. and Tiny at Hip Hop Summit Inaugural Ball

T.I. and Justin Timberlake

T.I. and Justin Timberlake
2009 Grammy Performance

Historical Grammy Performance

Historical Grammy Performance
T.I., Jay Z, Lil Wayne & Kanye West

Family Photo Op

Family Photo Op